What type of learner are you?
Why does it seem that learning new concepts comes naturally to some and is more difficult for others?
While some students can absorb all of the material during one lecture, others struggle and spend every night studying just to pass the exams. The reason for this discrepancy is most likely because we all have different ways of learning and processing new information. When it comes to learning, you might prefer certain techniques over others—and these techniques depend on your learning style.
The benefits of knowing your learning style.
Understanding your learning style means you can adapt the way you learn to absorb more material, spend less time studying and build your confidence.
If you know what type of learner you are, you’ll be able to advance in both your studies and your career. If you want to excel and keep advancing, you must be prepared to keep learning and be able to adapt rapidly.
What learning type are you?
Knowing what type of learner you are will allow you to adapt and grow to take advantage of every situation in the workplace and in life.
There are seven main types of learners:
1. Aural.
An aural learner prefers sound and music to help them learn. These learners like to speak the answers to questions. Instead of taking notes, it’s more beneficial for an aural learner to record lectures and listen to them to better understand the material. If you’re an aural learner and have difficulty learning, try speaking solutions or answers aloud, or use music or rhymes to learn long material.
2. Logical.
A good way to leverage your way of learning is through lists and statistics. It's important for a logical learner to focus on a central goal and not to be distracted by over-analysation.
3. Physical.
If you’re a physical learner, you learn best with hands-on material. You excel in a chemistry lab rather than by reading a textbook. And chances are, you prefer to take things apart and put them back together because that is how you learn best.
Tips that can help a physical learner in both education and the workplace are making use of flashcards that allow you to hone in on physical learning as well as taking descriptive notes.
While it’s not always easy to be hands-on when learning, try to jump in and use your hands as much as you can to truly excel and learn new material.
4. Social.
A social learner is the person who does well in groups. This learner communicates with people well and often lends their advice or expertise to others. If you fall into this category, a few ways to enhance your learning are:
- One-on-one learning
- Using games to learn
- Working in groups
As a social learner, it’s important to set your excitement aside and focus on the matter at hand.
5. Solitary.
A private or solitary person falls into this category. You're a person that learns well when alone. You should try and keep track of your learning by keeping journals and logs and defining your goals and objectives.
If the solitary learner has a clear goal and alone time, they can excel in most learning environments.
6. Verbal.
The verbal learner will do best with speaking and writing. You’ll want to make extensive usage of word-based techniques and also read questions and answers aloud. If you’re having trouble learning, try creating mnemonics to learn and read material aloud. Write and speak material to learn it best. Make use of your word mastery to truly learn new subjects and material.
7. Visual.
Colours, organisation and layouts are the main components of a visual learner’s style of learning, you should try your best to work around your learning style by making everything as visual as possible when learning. A few ways to achieve this are to:
- Highlight all of your notes
- Use mind maps to better visualise materials
- Create diagrams and layouts
You can make most topics visual, so find what works best for you.
Which learning type is best suited for online education?
If you plan on pursuing an online education, you’ll find that some people excel and some really need in-person teaching to do well. The learning type that’s best for online learning is solitary. Online learning takes a lot of motivation, and the solitary learner requires:
- Quiet time to learn, which is easily lost in a classroom setting where other students may interrupt lectures and impact the learning process.
- Clear goals and objectives that are defined from the start.
However, the reality is that any learning style can excel in the online education world. Different styles require different forms of learning, and teachers will often include material for every style of learning.
For example, videos work well for visual learners, while quizzes help logical learners. Recorded lectures are also very beneficial for aural learners, so there are options for everyone. When you know how you learn best, you can use the education mediums and styles that work best for you.
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