How team training can boost your reputation as a business
If you’re considering increasing the level of team training that you provide to your employees, you’re in good company. 60% of respondents in a recent survey on employer training in Australia were keen to do the same. The reasons for this renewed interest in training are multiple but new technology, quality control measures and regulatory requirements all play their part.
One other excellent reason for investing in team training is the boost it can give to your reputation as a business. Organisations that train their employees are seen as ‘good employers’. This is definitely an accolade you should be aiming for. Not only do ‘good employers’ attract a great workforce, they also appeal to the current consumer trend towards ethical workplaces.
SkillsTalk take a detailed look at how team training can boost your reputation as a business.
The importance of team training
Reputation management is not the same as brand management. Your corporate reputation is formed via the opinions of your stakeholders, both internal (e.g. employees) and external (e.g. customers). Like all employers, your business operates in a highly connected global arena where everything you do has the potential for public comment. This means that everything your customers or employees say about you, positive or negative has potential for impact. Team training is one tool in your employee satisfaction toolkit but it’s a really important one you can’t afford to neglect.
Have you thought about building team training in your reputation management plan?
Training the workforce you have
If you’re still putting the needs of Millennials and Generation Z as a low priority, you’re not keeping up with the times. In May 2019, these groups already formed over 40% of Australia’s workforce. This is an aspirational set with high hopes for the future and clear ideas when it comes to self-development, career strengths and lifelong learning.
In other words, what the millennial population thinks about your training provision really matters. By providing regular opportunities to upskill, you’ll not only retain this vital element of your workforce, it can help diversify skills amongst your employees and attract new talent.
What is your approach to the training needs of your Millennial and Gen Z employees?
Team training and productivity
Across the 36 OECD economies, Australia’s labour productivity ranks 15th highest (2017). This statistic suggests there are areas for improvement. In order to boost an organisation’s capability for innovation, it’s encouraged to implement ongoing training within the workplace. Plus, research has indicated that investing in education can improve organisational productivity, helping staff re-engage and be better trained when it comes to their roles.
As an employer, you may be concerned over the impact team training can have if it takes away time from work. Luckily, there are providers of education that do provide a more flexible mode of learning. Upskilled has a wide range of online courses available to suit most employees. One of the great benefits of online team training is that it offers flexibility and can help employees manage their work and personal priorities more easily. This in itself can really have a positive impact on the reputation of your business.
Have you considered team training as a driver for productivity improvements?
Additional team training benefits
Reputation and productivity are two key ingredients to business success but team training can also have a significant impact on a number of additional attainment factors. These include:
Promoting an adaptive company culture
Events at the start of 2020 have proved to businesses all over the world the importance of adaptation. By empowering your workforce through team training, you’ll be giving them the opportunity to accept and implement change through education.
How does your team training plan contribute to your company culture?
Improving team morale
How would you rate team morale in your organisation?
Boosting diversity
Diversity is being increasingly recognised as an important asset for any business. In an era where disruption and innovation are closely linked to success, diversity is often the key to creativity and profitability. Fostering a diverse workplace isn’t just about hiring a wide range of individuals from a number of different backgrounds. It’s about creating a culture of optimism and understanding, both aspects that can often be boosted through team training.
How could team training help your workforce recognise the value of corporate diversity?
Renewing confidence
Providing opportunities for learning can play a huge part in renewing the confidence of your workforce. Employees who feel under equipped for their role often become demoralised. This can lead to a drop in performance, productivity and even attendance. Team training can reignite workplace confidence across the board. From entry-level skills training to management level understanding, online qualifications can boost individuals and give them the confidence to bring teams together.
Have you considered online training to enhance the confidence of your team?
Increased job satisfaction
A dissatisfied workforce can lead to dissatisfied customers but working out how best to nurture job satisfaction can be tricky. Hiring the right staff in the first place can make a huge difference but as an employer, you also need to provide encouragement and opportunities for growth.
Team learning has a part to play in this, as do meaningful opportunities for growth and work-life balance. The confidence, assurance and potential career boost that team-learning delivers can really make a difference, helping to keep your team competitive and lead to improved employee retention.
Have you talked to your teams about their career plans and desires?
As Jeff Bezos once famously said, “Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room.” What your customers think of you is of paramount significance. However, it’s also important to remember that customers value great bosses as much as employees do.
They also value dealing with people who are confident and satisfied in their roles. Why not encourage your employees, kickstart your productivity and boost your reputation by investing in online learning with Upskilled, one of Australia’s most recognised RTOs.