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4 most satisfying jobs you can do in Australia

By Ana Isabel Alonsagay
Ana Isabel Alonsagay

Work satisfaction is key to any successful career. According to the publication, happy workers: How satisfied are Australians at work?, the more engaged you are in your role, the greater your productivity levels tend to be, with significantly less grievances reported in the workplace. Being happy with your job can thus lead to an enhanced sense of career fulfillment, boosting your overall drive and motivation – and raking in greater results for your company.

Fortunately, Australia offers plenty of satisfying career paths for those seeking high-paying, purposeful jobs.

We dive into some of these opportunities below, along with what leads to job satisfaction, and its importance in the workplace. 

What makes a job satisfying?

According to recent findings by the Australia Pay Experience Report, meaning, purpose, and competitive salaries are three primary factors that impact an employee’s job satisfaction. Workers are happiest when performing tasks perceived as relevant, valued, and offer significant impact to business operations. Close professional relationships also improve one’s overall wellbeing in the workplace, boosting engagement in their current role.

Additionally, workers with greater levels of autonomy are often happiest – as having greater control over your work grants you the freedom of pursuing your own, unique vision and ideas. A healthy work-life balance, in which employees are still offered room for other, personal commitments, is also key.

This doesn’t, however, eliminate finances from the equation; as most Australian workers still value high salaries, job security, and pay transparency in achieving overall job satisfaction.

Why is job satisfaction so important?

1. Leads to greater productivity.

The happier an employee is in their role, the greater drive and motivation they tend to have. Satisfied workers are thus likely to be more productive, improving business operations and driving forth more innovative ideas. This also effectively results in enhanced customer service and workplace collaboration. 

2. Lower employee turnover.

happy team in discussion

Happy employees tend to stay in their current role and company. Businesses with more satisfied employees thus generally experience less staff turnover, helping them foster a better company culture, workplace environment, and recruit future quality talents. A more satisfied workplace is also more likely to experience lower levels of absenteeism.

3. Greater company profits.

With greater levels of productivity paired with low turnover rates, companies can amplify their profits through improved services, products, and public reputation. Additionally, with satisfied employees less likely to leave, businesses can save on the costs related to recruiting and training new hires.

4. Stronger loyalty.

Last but not least, happier employees develop a stronger sense of loyalty to their business. They’re not just a retained, quality worker – but an ideal ambassador for the company, helping shine a positive light on their image, objectives, and company culture. This, in turn, can help improve the business’ prospects in future recruitment activities, and can encourage internal stakeholders to take pride in the work they do, too.

What are some of the most satisfying jobs in Australia?

  1. Counsellor.
  2. Disability support worker.
  3. Business manager.
  4. Software developer.

1. Counsellor.

Counsellors play a vital role in assisting with the mental, educational and social difficulties of those in society. They work closely with clients to help pinpoint and define any emotional issues they may be struggling with, addressing and alleviating these problems through various forms of therapy. Those in this role will find plenty of fulfillment in helping and inspiring others, with strong industry growth in the years to come.

According to Payscale, Australian counsellors earn an average salary of $68,863 AUD, with some of the highest-earners receiving around $116,000 AUD a year. SEEK statistics report a job growth of 14.5% in the next five years.

Recommended course: CHC51015 – Diploma of Counselling

2. Disability support worker.

child in wheelchair

Disability support workers assist the aged and those with a disability in their everyday tasks, including those related to personal hygiene, personal shopping, daily meals, and housework. They may also help provide their clients with mobility support and arrange any outings or social activities. On a personal level, disability support workers also provide their clients with the social support and companionship they need to develop their confidence, skills, and emotional wellbeing.

According to Payscale, Australian disability support workers earn an average of $55,354 AUD a year, with a high predicted job growth of 24.7% in the next five years, according to SEEK statistics.

Recommended course: CHC33015 – Certificate III in Individual Support (Disability)

3. Business manager.

Business managers are responsible for planning, overseeing, and coordinating the activities of a company, ensuring optimal performance of day-to-day functions and operations. Their role is a crucial one based on leadership, communication, and innovative excellency; inspiring employees to achieve company goals and bring forth new ideas. Those with a knack for sales, project management, networking, and coaching others will find plenty of fulfillment in this role.

Australian business managers earn an average of $82,316 AUD a year (according to Payscale), with SEEK statistics reporting a 6.1% job growth in the next five years.

Recommended course: BSB50420 – Diploma of Leadership and Management

4. Software developer.

If you’re a tech-head who fancies a creative challenge, software development may just be your ideal career path. These professionals are responsible for the design, development, and testing of new programs and applications in accordance with user or client requirements. Much of the role involves critical problem-solving, visual design, and innovative ideas to create a final product that assists or streamlines a user’s tasks. With the opportunity to craft inventive, digital solutions, those with the right skills will find plenty of satisfaction in the role of a software developer.

Software developers earn an average salary of $69,724 AUD (according to Payscale), with SEEK statistics reporting a 30% job growth in the next five years.

Recommended course: ICT40120 – Certificate IV in Information Technology (Programming)

Find the courses needed for a satisfying job

As listed above, Upskilled offers a suitable course for each of the previous jobs discussed – helping one train in the fundamental, work-ready skills to pursue entry-level roles in the job market. However, your choices don’t end there. 

Our catalogue offers a wide variety of online programs dedicated to many fulfilling, engaging jobs across Australia’s thriving industries. Individuals can find their ideal, satisfying career path in other areas of community services, business or information technology.

Additionally, through an online learning platform, students are given the flexibility of training while tending to other professional or personal commitments. Complete the course for the job you want, at a time, place, and pace that suits you best.

Build the skills you need for your dream career, and enquire with us on your training options today. 

Ana Isabel Alonsagay
Ana Isabel Alonsagay Ana Isabel Alonsagay freelance writer and founder of, a blog on lifestyle, culture, and entertainment. When she isn't pinned to her keyboard, you can find her at your local cinema, blasting Broadway soundtracks or attending cosplay conventions.