What is a digital resume and do I need one?
Are you currently looking for a new job? Chances are, if you're on LinkedIn, potential employers may be looking at your profile and checking out what type of skills and experience you already have. Having a detailed and informative profile can go a long way and may even highlight your personal brand and where you stand in your industry.
We provide an overview of what entails a digital resume and three reasons why you should have one to support your job search.
What is a digital resume?
A digital resume is having your resume readily available online. This means all kinds of people can view your credentials from all walks of life. By creating a digital resume through LinkedIn, you're sharing your skills and experience to a wider audience - beyond just recruiters and hiring managers.
While it may be a social media network designed to build professional relationships with people, it can also be a useful tool that can help you land jobs you didn't know existed.
If you prefer to stay away from LinkedIn but don't mind sharing your resume online, you can also host your resume on your personal website, too.
3 great reasons why you should have a digital resume
1. You can highlight your digital credentials on your LinkedIn profile.
Digital credentials have been designed to help you showcase your skills and experience in a verified way. When you complete a particular short course or certificate, you'll be able to highlight these on your LinkedIn profile or similar.
It's also a way to show others that you have valuable skills and experience in your industry. Potential employers can also see your skill set and knowledge, and may even consider you for roles available at their organisation or business.
Digital credentials also benefit you because:
- They can be added to your LinkedIn profile instantly.
- You can highlight them for your network to see.
- It's an opportunity to share your latest learning achievement.
- It shows people that you're committed to continuing your education.
- It may help improve your personal brand and make meaningful professional connections.
2. More people have access to your digital resume.
It's important to establish great connections with people in your industry, as well as those outside of it. LinkedIn is an excellent social media platform that allows people to reach out to you if they have a job opportunity that closely matches your skills and experience. This works to your benefit because it can cut down on the amount of time spent looking for jobs on SEEK or Indeed.
If you're already submitting your resume to job opportunities you've seen online, having a digital resume can also help employers cross match your profile. It shows transparency about your professional life!
3. It can help you network with others in your industry.
Having a digital resume can help you easily network with other people in your industry. By having a LinkedIn profile or website, this will be another point of contact for others to reach out to you.
Using platforms such as LinkedIn can make you readily available to people who want to organise a coffee meet up to pick your brain, or have someone come to you for mentoring and career advice. Either way, digital resumes are advantageous to have because you're essentially putting yourself out there in the job market.
By outlining aspects of your professional life on a digital resume (like sharing and accepting digital credentials), it allows other people to come to you if they have genuine questions related to your career. It's a humbling experience to have since you can help support other people when it comes to pursuing their career goals.
Make your digital resume count with a qualification!
Upskilled has a great range of online courses across some of Australia's in-demand industries. With online learning becoming a popular option amongst busy professionals, you can enjoy the flexibility and convenience of being able to learn new skills and knowledge in the comfort of your own home.
Upskill for the career you love and have a chat with one of our friendly education consultants today!