What are the traineeship roles and responsibilities?
What are the traineeship roles and responsibilities?
For employees undertaking a Traineeship, we have compiled a list of roles and responsibilities for the key stakeholders involved in the process: Employers, Trainees, Australian Apprenticeship Centres, the State Training Authority, and the Registered Training Organisation (Upskilled). For more information, you can download the Supervisors Information Pack.
Roles and Responsibilities of the Employer
- To complete the traineeship requirements, you must have access to a full range of facilities/tools/work and other staff.
- Provide the trainee with worker's compensation insurance coverage
- Ensure OH&S regulations are applied to the trainee
- Provide annual and other leave entitlements
- Provide superannuation per relevant legislation or award or workplace agreements.
- Endorse the training plan/record with the RTO and trainee
- Ensure trainees are allocated paid time to attend or complete training activities provided by the RTO
- Monitor the trainee's progress at work
- Ask for progress reports from the trainee at least monthly and view the training plan/record or USP
- Liaise with the RTO regarding the trainee's participation and attendance in formal training
- Discharge obligations as specified in the training contract
- Liaise with AAC regarding any changes of circumstances with the trainee or the workplace
- Confirm workplace competency with the RTO as required
- Read the student information pack, which outlines the conditions and policies of the training provided by Upskilled
- If the trainee is under 18, a parent or guardian must co-sign the training contract
- Provide a supportive communication mechanism for trainees
- Provide mentoring support in the workplace for trainees
Record Keeping - retain the following:
- Training contract approval letter
- Employer's copy of the training contract
- Records of time worked and wages paid to the trainee
- A copy of the award or workplace agreement under which the trainee is employed
- Employer's copy of the training plan/record
- Information received on trainee attendance at RTO's training sessions, if applicable
- Results of formal training undertaken by the trainee
Roles and Responsibilities of the Trainee
- Be open to learning new things and enjoy the learning journey
- Accept lawful instruction given by you regarding work, training and instruction in the workplace
- Attend/participate in the formal training process, be it face-to-face sessions or online activities
- Abide by the policies and procedures outlined in the Upskilled Student Handbook
- Complete tasks, assessments, assignments, etc., that are set by the RTO
- Keep and update progress on a copy of the training plan/record or Upskilled Student Portal and produce/show it to you upon request.
- Notify you or the RTO if they will be late or absent from work or training.
- Notify you or the RTO of any change to personal details such as address, name, etc.
- Abide by OH&S regulations.
- If the trainee is under 18, a parent or guardian must co-sign the training contract.
Roles and Responsibilities of The Australian Apprenticeship Centre (AAC)
- AACs assist employers, apprentices and trainees to establish apprenticeships and traineeships and apply for Australian and State Government financial incentives, subsidies and concessions
- Advise trainees and employers of their rights, responsibilities and the administrative requirements of the contract
- Provide advice on the range of traineeships available and the qualifications available
- Conduct traineeship eligibility test and assist with the application process
- Assist employers seeking to recruit a trainee
- Register the training plan with STAs
- Facilitate training contract approval process
- Provide information on funding and incentive payments
- Support the employer and trainee with information about any changes to the programs
- If the trainee is under 18, a parent or guardian must co-sign the training contract
Roles and Responsibilities of the Registered Training Organisation (RTO)
- Develop a training plan/record for the trainee in consultation with the employer
- Provide a copy of the training plan/record to the employer and trainee
- Provide formal training and assessment activities of the traineeship
- Provide training attendance records for employers as requested
- Process and assess any applications for RCC or RPL
- Ensure traineeship is competency-based
- Liaise with the employer to confirm workplace competence
- Offer flexible training arrangements to the trainee and employer that suit the identified need
- Issue certificates for qualifications based on the AQF once requirements are met
- Issue statements of attainment for trainees who may not complete the whole qualification
- Conduct all RTO operations to the NVR standards of registration
- If the trainee is under 18, a parent or guardian must co-sign the training contract
- Proved a child-safe environment for trainees under the age of 18
Roles and Responsibilities of the State Training Authority (STA)
- Administration of traineeships
- Ensuring the best quality of education and training standards are maintained.
- Advising and assisting employers and trainees
- Assessing, approving, administering and registering training contracts between trainees and employers
- Approving RTOs to deliver to trainees in some states and territories
- Monitoring trainee training arrangements
- Issue certificates to trainees who complete the traineeship, different from the RTO certificate
- Carry out spot site or training checks at an employer or RTO locations
- Survey trainees regarding the traineeship
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